By Sarah Hamel-Smith

So after completing a two-year training program, I’ve been blessed with a promotion and a substantial pay increase at my job. About two years ago, thinking that having more money would bring me greater happiness, I wished for a particular amount and low and behold the universe once again has delivered (close to the dollar). And yet, I find myself wishing for more.

This brings a question to mind; are we, as human beings, simply wired to always want more? Is this just man’s ineffable nature? Wishing, then materializing, over and over in an endless cycle… moving from one fleeting source happiness to another?

Deep down, I know that happiness is a choice, and it is something that I try to remind myself of every day.

Be present. Be conscious. Be grateful. Choose to be happy.

So many times we blame outside circumstances for our own negative feelings, when it’s really our fault for allowing those things to ruin our day. I guess we all have things that we struggle with.

Maybe the key is finding a balance between consciously creating our lives and being grateful for what we already have. I think adopting a lightness of spirit is crucial.

Be patient with the universe. Don’t allow yourself to think that everything is an emergency and the world is crumbling and horrible, just because your life isn’t the way you envisioned it to be at this exact moment.

Try to focus on the absolute magic that is this world in which we exist.

Somehow, when we are in a grateful mind, those things that we were wishing for and torturing ourselves over, dance into our experience much faster.

You see, thinking about this whole process has brought me to the following realization: while we may not always have what we want, we always have what we need.

Especially those of us in the first world. Think about it; in this moment is there anything that you absolutely need? You have the ability to breathe, to think, to read—these things are in themselves a blessing.

We need to look at wanting, as a wonderful process of creation and allow this to be just as rewarding as, receiving that which we wished for.

So my wish for you today—May you: Be present. Be conscious. Be grateful. May you choose to be happy.